Surmountable started as a book.
Surmountable is the book that our founder and CEO, Adam Monier Edwards, wanted to read but he could not find anywhere. Millions of people donate to causes or march in the streets yet they are unable to move the needle on key issues. America needs to better understand how and why certain social movements of the past century succeeded if we are to thrive in the 21st century. Citizen success has rarely been due to a particular philosophy or policy; logistics and political opportunity make or break social change. That is what the first Surmountable book uncovers with 40+ unique interviews from across 4 continents.

Surmountable is now a public benefit company.
Surveys found 2020 to be the most stressful year of our generation. We have still not fully understood its implications or adapted. We have so many other existing challenges to undertake that make our daily lives seem overwhelming. Where can we start if we want to make a difference when we are so busy just trying to make ends meet or provide for our family, never mind carve out a few minutes for ourselves everyday?
Surmountable was founded as a public benefit company to help citizens find the answer to this question. How can we address the many different issues that paradoxically keep us up at night with anxiety while seeming so impossible that we also ignore them, because we cannot even fathom a path forward? The truth is that there are individual solutions out there for every topic; they have just never been organized in one place before until now.
One hundred Surmountable issues are being compiled into a second book.
Take a step back and imagine reading answers rather than being distracted by mounting questions from a deluge of 24 hour news. Thanks to some brief historical context, goals that society can pursue, and suggestions that anyone can follow, now you can do your part without getting bombarded. So you can either make a difference in the short term or even potentially change the world for generations to come. Without having to quit your day job. It is possible to make progress on these daunting challenges, one at a time, by finally understanding how your contributions fit into the bigger picture on our most complex problems.
Curious to read the topics we have covered before our second book hits the shelves in 2025? Sign up to read the 100 environmental, social, and governance issues on our website or pre-order our second book to transform the corporate social responsibility (CSR) discussion from skepticism into solutions and awareness into action.