
Switch to renewable energy to end fossil fuel dependence

Surmountable Environmental Issues
Apr 22, 2022
4 min read
Renewable energy is now efficient enough to fulfill many power needs / iStock

Issue 14 • Week of April 17, 2022 / Updated May 16, 2023

What can you do for the planet this Earth Day? Take a minute and consider that first practical solar cell was demonstrated 68 years ago next week. If only they were in as much demand as mobile phones, which are 19 years younger, then we might not be facing such dire environmental crises.

The US is the second largest polluter in the world and our 4% of the global population is responsible for 14% of CO2 emissions. We trail only China, which has 4x as many people. A majority of Americans believe the environment will be worse for the next generation, despite the fact that the EPA was created more than 50 years ago. Perhaps that is because only 12% of our energy comes from renewable sources. Yet eight countries already get more than 50%, led by Norway with over 98%.

After decades of pessimism, are there any signs of hope?

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