Issue 12 • Week of April 3, 2022 / Updated June 18, 2024
Last week, we saw how the average American spends nearly $280K in their life just on interest due in part to a lack of financial literacy. Households are also now responsible for almost that much to pay down the federal debt as we already spend nearly $1 billion per day on interest – as much as our country invests in R&D, infrastructure, and education combined.
Consumers are told to blame rising prices solely on inflation, when collusion has been proven many times over across the food industry and is currently being investigated at the gas pump. Clearly inflation is not the only factor downgrading our purchasing power.
Yet citizens should still demand answers to our unsustainable debt that now stands over $30 trillion, considering that most Americans will again pay to file their taxes over the next two weeks despite that tax returns are not even required for many people in 36 other countries.
Unfortunately, individuals are projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to contribute a higher percentage of tax revenue in coming years while corporations' share will decline. Debt accumulates so quickly that documentaries on the topic become outdated the minute they are released.
Of course you could donate to reduce the debt or volunteer to pay someone else's taxes, but those would be drops in the ocean. It's equally unrealistic to think we can or even should pay off all of the entire federal debt within a few years. Most would agree, however, it should remain under 100% of GDP and that is certainly a surmountable goal to constrain inflation.
The question is how?
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